Monday, July 12, 2010

Please, Please, Have Fun!

School can be tough for some people. Bullying, often leads kids to depressions and sometimes, much worse, suicides. But the best attitude to have is the "It doesn't bother me" attitude. Because bullys thrive on response's of distress or stress or anger or sadness, if you don't respond to there teasing, they won't tease!
Make sure what happens during school does not effect who you really are. Statistics show that %95 of kids who are harshly bullied go into a depression and never come out. Changing there appearence and thoughts on life. Never be sucked in by this black hole of hell. It will change your life forever. Have fun in school! But don't get in trouble doing so :)
When you really think of it, school is a kid paradise! Being with your friends for 7 hours with no parental supervision! How could it get any better? ...well no school work, but thats a different story ;)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Jr high can be the funnest years of your life. Or for some people the worst. In he beginning of middle school cliques start to form, formally at lunch. Groups at lunch are often pejudice to people at there table that are not part of their clique or group. Often, the cliques that form are groups of jocks, cheerleaders, sporty-girls, halfways (kinda popular kinda not), goths, launching pad, ect. Most of the time groups do not intervine but sometimes wires cross and create sparks and trouble occurs. Or, groups cause trouble with other groups. The point of all of this is that people know not to let it get to them And learn to deal with the trouble of jr high because it's often a part of life. But this can be extremely difficult. Some ways to stay away from this trouble are:
1) do not try to hard to be apart of a different group
2) what ever group you happen to fall in, don't run from it because it could lead to loseing your real friends and the ones you are trying to make

got any more? Comment!